Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Couple updates

Sorry, guys, that I haven't really posted anything recently, it's just that I don't really have anything to say about, or at least anything big, but I still have couple small news. So today I was in city and bought myself new string for bass. Sadly I got only four basic strings - E,A,D and G strings, but the B string, that I need since I have five stringed bass, I have to buy separately. And, goddammit, these string were expensive. Almost 60 euros. Although it didn't came as a surprise for me, because I did search for string for some time now and saw the prices on them. But I honestly think they were worth the money. My previous string were soft and the tone was warm, but my new strings are rough and hard, the tone is really sharp and feels really great to play some metal. It's not really what I expected, because I wanted for string that make minimal amount of buzz and my new ones are opposite of that, but non the less it fits me.
   So now that I have good strings, there is left only one, or two, things left to get. First is camera, that will do a decent recording and optional is an amp. Although, I think, I will get first camera and will start doing covers and the amp I will get in some point. And just before I forget; if you are reading this and have some kind of song, that you think might have a good bass line, please, leave the suggestion in comments.
   Also, right now I am working on some short stories. They all pretty much tell about different things and have different genres, but I am just trying out my ideas. Right now one of them is script type and maybe I will ask Jukkis to do machinima based on it, if it will interest him. I do not want to reveal any details on these stories, but at this time there is three tales to tell.
   So I think that about does it for this time, stay tuned for more info and as always, there is 527 days till the rise of hell.


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