Monday, June 27, 2011

Like, Oh Em Gee, first post.

Umm... Ok... So! My name is Mikael but most of people call me Mikke or Misha, depending on what language you speak. I'll tell you a little bit of myself, but only a little. So I am part Finnish part Russian guy. I have lived most of my life in Finland, but two years I had to live in Russia, Moscow; good times, good times.
   But enough of me, let me tell you about my blog. To be honest, this was a bitch and half to make. I would have done this long time ago, but I just couldn't come up with any decent name for it. I had thought of content for many times, but the name was just... ugh. But, yeah, it's here and I think I am good with this name.
   So as you can tell, I will be writing in English and maybe, just maybe, there will be some posts in Russian or Finnish. What I am about to post here is just lots of random shit. Most of it will be reviews about music, movies, new devises I got and shows (mostly machinima). Also I maybe myself will be voice act in my friend machinima, so you I will put them here too. Alongside with machinima I think to write ether scripts for machinima or just some novels. Then I wish to do some music covers with my bass-guitar. Unfortunately I won't be able to do them any time soon, because I have to get better camera, because right now I have only a webcam on my laptop which just doesn't satisfy me and camera, that for some reason doesn't want to record sound from my bass amp. Then I will probably just talk about some interesting topics, that bother me at the time and post music and videos. And last, but, kinda, not least is what I wanted to refer to in blogs name. I am about to count days till the great end which should happen in 21.12.2012. Right now you're probably laughing at me like "what an idiot he is, that he believes in it". No. It's not like I believe in the end, that everybody is so furiously talking about, but I believe that something will happen. Maybe aliens will come on earth, maybe some big-ass meteorite will fall on earth or maybe there will be just mass suicide, you never know for sure.
   So, yeah. I guess this wraps up my first post aand stay tuned for more, because since it is summer break, I have too much free time. But thanks for reading, see you later.

PS.: Oh! Almost forgot about the doomsday! So there's 541 days till the end.

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