Thursday, June 30, 2011

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Yesterday a friend of mine gave me an idea to go to the movies and just about the same time I saw Transformer 3 commercial on TV and I proposed to go and watch it. And so we did.
   A while ago I came home and I had so many thoughts about it - good and bad. I will try to tell my opinion on it without spoiling the film, but here are some things that annoyed me:
   Ok, it's not like I am huge fan of hers, on the contrary, I think she is little bit overrated. What I didn't like about it was, that she was just suddenly cut off. No explanation what happened and why. She was just replaced by some other character.
2) Russians same as Ukrainians(?!)
   ....Like.... Seriously? I know, I know; nobody cares if he or she is Russian or Ukrainian, same thing, right? Well no. Calling Russian and Ukrainian same is as if I'd call Americans and Brits the same.
3) WARNING SPOILERS (If you are about to see this movie and do not want to spoil any bit of it, skip this)
   Maybe it's just me and I am being too serious about this, but this annoyed me the most. In the very beginning of the movie, it is shown to us how autobot ship called "the Arc" makes a crash-landing on dark side of the moon in 1961 and in 1969 as some of you may know, Neil Armstrong and his team landed on moon. Everybody knows why they went on the moon, but in the movie - shit got serious. In movie they were sent on a secret mission to investigate the area where the Arc crashed. They had only 20 minutes to investigate it and in that time they retrieved only some kind of ships energy source (didn't quite catch that part), and then they left the the Arc. AND THAT'S FUCKING IT. The whole ship stayed there like for 40 years AND NOBODY NOTICED IT?! And of course, when the almighty Optimus Prime heard about this, only then they flew there and took the most important thing, that was in that ship.

   Of course you can say, that I overreact and that it's just a movie, but those kind of thing just mess with my head.
But now for the good things I saw:
1) First and foremost - music!
    Music always makes movies greater and this is good example of it. If it wasn't for the music, I wouldn't have had so many chills, that I had (Or I am being too sensitive).
2) Good actors
   There were good old actors from previous Transformers (except Megan) and also couple of new. There wasn't much new ones, but there was
John Malkovich, who didn't have that of a big role, but the way he played it was just great. Also there was Ken Jeong, whom you might recall from his role in the Hangover -movie.
3) Atmosphere and plot twists.
   So for those who have seen trailers and/or heard about this film, you should know, that this is (I assume, not sure) the epic finale where Decepticons are about to destroy the earth and the whole this-is-the-end thing is what I love in movies.

All in all, Transformer 3 is good movie, I recommend it, even though it had stupid moments. At least I can say that you will get your dose of pathos and epicness.

539 days left until the
Decepticon invasion.


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