Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New post after long time!

So this isn't anything special, it's just a little story I wrote for school, so if you're not interested, you can't skip it, you must read it. YOU MUST!


It was autumn evening. I was going back home after a long day in school and was somewhat tired. To cheer myself up I called my friend so he could talk to me a bit, but he didn't answer. So a got a little bit down, but I was happy that a was already pretty close to my home. A way to my home layed through a little forest that wasn't really lit up. When I entered the forest I wasn't scared at all because I knew the forest and that there couldn't possibly anything bad.
    I was already near the exit of forest, but because there was a little hill in front of it, I couldn't see the exit. When I finally got over the hill, I saw a man just standing still in the exit and he was facing me. Because I was surprised, I slowed down for a second, but then I continued to walk. As I were getting closer to that person I started feeling more nervous and afraid. When I was already pretty close to the person, I noticed that he was staring at me straight in the eyes. Althought I didn't see his face, not to mention eyes, I still felt him staring at me. As I got closer to the man, harder it was for me not to watch him in the eyes. I literally couldn't take my eyes of of him and when I was already almost in front of him I stopped. We were just staring at each other. Then out of sudden he lifted his arm as if he wanted to shake my hand. At first I didn't want to give him my hand, but then a light wind blew from my back and I rised my hand too and grabbed his hand. At first I didn't realize anything, but in an instant I started feeling pain in my hand and it wasn't like pain you feel when you hit it or cut it. It was more like the whole hand was rottening from inside. The pain was only building up and was moving upper to my elbow and higher. Because of the pain, I couldn't concentrate my thought on wresting my hand out, but when the pain reached my neck, I on reflex wrested my hand and made few steps back.
   I was shoked. My heart was going crazy and I felt how adrenaline was running through my veins. He made one step foward. I wanted to shout, but the voice wouldn't come out of me. He made another step and rised his hand again and this time his palm was afore my face. Then he pushed his palm in my face. Suddenly everything went dark and I screamed....

....I woke up....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Couple updates

Sorry, guys, that I haven't really posted anything recently, it's just that I don't really have anything to say about, or at least anything big, but I still have couple small news. So today I was in city and bought myself new string for bass. Sadly I got only four basic strings - E,A,D and G strings, but the B string, that I need since I have five stringed bass, I have to buy separately. And, goddammit, these string were expensive. Almost 60 euros. Although it didn't came as a surprise for me, because I did search for string for some time now and saw the prices on them. But I honestly think they were worth the money. My previous string were soft and the tone was warm, but my new strings are rough and hard, the tone is really sharp and feels really great to play some metal. It's not really what I expected, because I wanted for string that make minimal amount of buzz and my new ones are opposite of that, but non the less it fits me.
   So now that I have good strings, there is left only one, or two, things left to get. First is camera, that will do a decent recording and optional is an amp. Although, I think, I will get first camera and will start doing covers and the amp I will get in some point. And just before I forget; if you are reading this and have some kind of song, that you think might have a good bass line, please, leave the suggestion in comments.
   Also, right now I am working on some short stories. They all pretty much tell about different things and have different genres, but I am just trying out my ideas. Right now one of them is script type and maybe I will ask Jukkis to do machinima based on it, if it will interest him. I do not want to reveal any details on these stories, but at this time there is three tales to tell.
   So I think that about does it for this time, stay tuned for more info and as always, there is 527 days till the rise of hell.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Machinima and Friendship is magic

So I have couple new thing to say about. First off - machinima. So as I said in my first post, I am going to feature my friends machinima. For now, I guess, he is producing two machinimas, one kind of random and silly, and other kind of serious project. And so yesterday he made first episode of this serious project. You can watch it here and if you want to check out his random project, in which I may appear as a voice actor, click here.
   But here is the theme of a today:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I know, I know, you may think, that it's like a childish series and what the fuck a grown up guy like me is watching it. I thought so too. But then I found one video on youtube, that was kind of a remix of a song night of nights from a Japanese game called Touhou, you can watch the video here. Then I got interested in ponys and in the way they were animated, since most of cartoons nowadays are shitty animated, but still didn't want to start to watch the actual series. So I decided to read about them on wikipedia-kind page, that uses imageboard slang and as some of you who visit imageboards knows how boards like ponys. And so from boredom, I decided to watch first episode of it. After the first episode I was like "what the fuck am I watching?", but because the pilot was in two parts, I just had no other option than just watch also the second part. After watching the pilot, I decided to watch the whole thing and basically today at 3 am I finished it and at the same time I understood, that I just love every single pony! Like I said, when I first saw it, my expectations weren't high, but once I got into it, i just couldn't stop watching it.
  The synopsis for the first episode:
"Twilight Sparkle, a talented but introverted student of Princess Celestia, is sent to Ponyville in the hopes that she will open up and make some friends. There, she meets fellow ponies Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy. However, she is too focused on researching and preventing a prophecy, involving an evil pony who was sealed within the moon and would return during the "longest day of the thousandth year"." But unfortunately first two episodes only held some kind of plot, but rest of the episodes are more or less self standing, as most of cartoons.
   What I liked in series, is that it had a moral in every episode! It teaches how to be a good friend and stuff. But the absolutely the best part of series are ponies! They are so adorable and lovable. When I only started to watch them, I thought like "I like her, her and her, but I don't like her, her and her" but now I love them all. So if you will say even one shitty word about my little ponies, I swear, I will unleash super angry Fluttershy. Just look at her. 

   So to be honest, I enjoyed these series and since for now I have only watched season 1, I can't wait to see the second season, that should come up somewhere around end of this year. So yeah, that about does it and as always: There is 537 days left till the end.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Yesterday a friend of mine gave me an idea to go to the movies and just about the same time I saw Transformer 3 commercial on TV and I proposed to go and watch it. And so we did.
   A while ago I came home and I had so many thoughts about it - good and bad. I will try to tell my opinion on it without spoiling the film, but here are some things that annoyed me:
   Ok, it's not like I am huge fan of hers, on the contrary, I think she is little bit overrated. What I didn't like about it was, that she was just suddenly cut off. No explanation what happened and why. She was just replaced by some other character.
2) Russians same as Ukrainians(?!)
   ....Like.... Seriously? I know, I know; nobody cares if he or she is Russian or Ukrainian, same thing, right? Well no. Calling Russian and Ukrainian same is as if I'd call Americans and Brits the same.
3) WARNING SPOILERS (If you are about to see this movie and do not want to spoil any bit of it, skip this)
   Maybe it's just me and I am being too serious about this, but this annoyed me the most. In the very beginning of the movie, it is shown to us how autobot ship called "the Arc" makes a crash-landing on dark side of the moon in 1961 and in 1969 as some of you may know, Neil Armstrong and his team landed on moon. Everybody knows why they went on the moon, but in the movie - shit got serious. In movie they were sent on a secret mission to investigate the area where the Arc crashed. They had only 20 minutes to investigate it and in that time they retrieved only some kind of ships energy source (didn't quite catch that part), and then they left the the Arc. AND THAT'S FUCKING IT. The whole ship stayed there like for 40 years AND NOBODY NOTICED IT?! And of course, when the almighty Optimus Prime heard about this, only then they flew there and took the most important thing, that was in that ship.

   Of course you can say, that I overreact and that it's just a movie, but those kind of thing just mess with my head.
But now for the good things I saw:
1) First and foremost - music!
    Music always makes movies greater and this is good example of it. If it wasn't for the music, I wouldn't have had so many chills, that I had (Or I am being too sensitive).
2) Good actors
   There were good old actors from previous Transformers (except Megan) and also couple of new. There wasn't much new ones, but there was
John Malkovich, who didn't have that of a big role, but the way he played it was just great. Also there was Ken Jeong, whom you might recall from his role in the Hangover -movie.
3) Atmosphere and plot twists.
   So for those who have seen trailers and/or heard about this film, you should know, that this is (I assume, not sure) the epic finale where Decepticons are about to destroy the earth and the whole this-is-the-end thing is what I love in movies.

All in all, Transformer 3 is good movie, I recommend it, even though it had stupid moments. At least I can say that you will get your dose of pathos and epicness.

539 days left until the
Decepticon invasion.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Like, Oh Em Gee, first post.

Umm... Ok... So! My name is Mikael but most of people call me Mikke or Misha, depending on what language you speak. I'll tell you a little bit of myself, but only a little. So I am part Finnish part Russian guy. I have lived most of my life in Finland, but two years I had to live in Russia, Moscow; good times, good times.
   But enough of me, let me tell you about my blog. To be honest, this was a bitch and half to make. I would have done this long time ago, but I just couldn't come up with any decent name for it. I had thought of content for many times, but the name was just... ugh. But, yeah, it's here and I think I am good with this name.
   So as you can tell, I will be writing in English and maybe, just maybe, there will be some posts in Russian or Finnish. What I am about to post here is just lots of random shit. Most of it will be reviews about music, movies, new devises I got and shows (mostly machinima). Also I maybe myself will be voice act in my friend machinima, so you I will put them here too. Alongside with machinima I think to write ether scripts for machinima or just some novels. Then I wish to do some music covers with my bass-guitar. Unfortunately I won't be able to do them any time soon, because I have to get better camera, because right now I have only a webcam on my laptop which just doesn't satisfy me and camera, that for some reason doesn't want to record sound from my bass amp. Then I will probably just talk about some interesting topics, that bother me at the time and post music and videos. And last, but, kinda, not least is what I wanted to refer to in blogs name. I am about to count days till the great end which should happen in 21.12.2012. Right now you're probably laughing at me like "what an idiot he is, that he believes in it". No. It's not like I believe in the end, that everybody is so furiously talking about, but I believe that something will happen. Maybe aliens will come on earth, maybe some big-ass meteorite will fall on earth or maybe there will be just mass suicide, you never know for sure.
   So, yeah. I guess this wraps up my first post aand stay tuned for more, because since it is summer break, I have too much free time. But thanks for reading, see you later.

PS.: Oh! Almost forgot about the doomsday! So there's 541 days till the end.